Why choose me as your Wedding Photographer?
Completed over 400 Weddings with 14 years of experience.
Great with people, I blend in on the day. I Maintain a calm and collected presence even during the most demanding of environments and timeframes.
I listen to your needs. Great communication before, during and after the Wedding Day.
Unobtrusive, timely, organized, I know where to stand and what’s coming next.
I have great relationships and communication with venue staff.
Pre Wedding meeting for the best organization and assurance.
Attention to detail. It’s the small things that matter.
I strive to have the best client experience / customer service.
I work with the latest Nikon flagship cameras, no expense is spared on cameras, lenses or lighting.
Backups of every type of gear, backup vehicle, backup on-site power supply for charging, backup Photographer if sick or injured.
Secure backups of images on multiple devices in multiple secure locations.
Great turnaround times whilst maintaining top quality final images.
Experienced and fully licenced Drone Pilot.
I work with some of the top Wedding Videographers and can tailor a package that works for you.
Fully insured - Public Liability up to €7,000,000.